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Friday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time The healing of the deaf-mute Again he left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of the Decapolis. And people brought to him a deaf man… Read More »ENFL156


Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time The faith  drives out the demons From that place he went off to the district of Tyre. He entered a house and wanted no one to know about it, but he could not escape notice. Soon a… Read More »ENFL155


Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time We become what we contemplate He summoned the crowd again and said to them, “Hear me, all of you, and understand. Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out… Read More »ENFL153


Tuesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Reception of the illegal immigrants and legality Now when the Pharisees with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him, they observed that some of his disciples ate their meals with unclean, that is, unwashed,… Read More »ENFL151


Monday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time To touch Jesus and the mystery of the life After making the crossing, they came to land at Gennesaret and tied up there. As they were leaving the boat, people immediately recognized him. They scurried about the… Read More »ENFL150


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Human promotion, proclamation and prayer Is not man’s life on earth a drudgery? Are not his days those of a hireling? Jb 7,1  When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by… Read More »ENFS097  


Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time The need of the desert The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” People were… Read More »ENFL149


February 2, The Presentation of the Lord The Candlemas When the days were completed for their purification  according to the law of Moses, they took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord ….  Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name… Read More »ENSM003


Thursday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time The announcement, being on the road He summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking… Read More »ENFL146


Wednesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time No one is prophet in his homeland  He departed from there and came to his native place ….When the sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said,… Read More »ENFL145