

November 9, The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome The prayer and the life  Jesus went up to Jerusalem. He found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves, as well as the money-changers seated there. He made a whip out… Read More »ENSM036


Thursday of the Thirty-FirstWeek in Ordinary Time When children lose themselves  the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” So to them he addressed this parable. “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one… Read More »ENFL334


Wednesday of the Thirty-First  Week in Ordinary Time How to follow Jesus   Great crowds were traveling with him, and he turned and addressed them, “If any one comes to me without hating his father  and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his… Read More »ENFL333


Tuesday of the Thirty-First  Week in Ordinary Time We are all missionaries  One of his fellow guests on hearing this said to him, “Blessed is the one who will dine in the kingdom of God.” He replied to him, “A man gave a great dinner… Read More »ENFL332


Monday of the Thirty-First  Week in Ordinary Time The merrymaking with the poor people  Then he said to the host who invited him, “When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy… Read More »ENFL331


Thirty-First  Sunday in Ordinary Time Hymns of praise and thanksgiving David ….  sang to the Lord the words of this song after the Lord had rescued him from the clutches of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said: I love you,… Read More »ENFS123


November 2, The Commemoration of all the Departed Faithful The final resurrection Then Job answered and said:  Oh, would that my words were written down! Would that they were inscribed in a record: That with an iron chisel and with lead they were cut in… Read More »ENSM035


November 1, All Saints The saints and the beatitudes  When he saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him. He began to teach them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is… Read More »ENSM034


Thursday of the ThirtiethWeek in Ordinary Time The gifts of God are irrevocable At that time some Pharisees came to him and said, “Go away, leave this area because Herod wants to kill you.” He replied, “Go and tell that fox, ‘Behold, I cast out… Read More »ENFL327


Wednesday of the ThirtiethWeek in Ordinary Time The two doors  He passed through towns and villages, teaching as he went and making his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” He answered them, “Strive to enter through the… Read More »ENFL325